Top 20 Keywords
Interior Designers in London need to know
Complete keyword list
12-month search data
Click bid recommendations

Keyword list
Complete list of the top 20 keywords for interior design businesses in London hand selected with lead generation in mind.

Search volume data
12 months of search volume data with month-by-month breakdown to understand when is the best time to advertise.

Suggested click bid
How much we recommend bidding on each keyword, based on the average cost per click for a top of page position in London.
Why do you need to know the right keywords?
Whether you are looking to run ads or optimise your website for better SEO performance, knowing which keywords you should use is an essential part of the process. Most digital marketing agencies make this a billable part of their services. However, as we are working exclusively with interior businesses, we did the research and have decided to make it available for free to all interior designers.
Which keywords are included?
We're not talking blogging here...these are the money keywords.
They are the phrases your target clients are most likely to type into Google when they have a project in mind and are looking for a specialist.

Which keywords are included?
We're not talking blogging here...these are the money keywords. They are the phrases your target clients are most likely to type into Google when they have a project in mind and are looking for a specialist. If you want more new project leads from Google, this is for you.

We are Hana Clode Marketing
Marketing, done beautifully.
At Hana Clode Marketing, we specialise in digital marketing and PR for businesses within the home and interiors sector. We make interior companies look beautiful online and help them find more customers who love what they do.